The worst thing about this world is that no one is created equally, some people live for luxury, while other try hard to survive. There are people on this plant who are in not even in a condition to stand but still they continue to fight their LIFE! I know how painful and useless life feels when you lose something you love, when you do get something you want, when you don't get some thing you deserve. There are beautiful places on this plant but we all have to agree that everything on this planet can't be beautiful, the reason we find something beautiful is because there is something in our head that makes it beautiful and unique. Both sadness and happiness are unique but without one the existence of other isn't possible. We feel happiness because we feel sadness, and yes there are
ultra-long-time-happiness-killing sad moments like breaking up a 9 year old relation or when someone close to you dies and so on, but this is what life is all about, this is the reason why we call our planet Earth not heaven, life on this planet is not about pain or happiness, its about surviving pain and enjoying happiness that's what live is, let me tell you something you know, your path to what you want to achieve isn't going to be easy, every moment, every second of your path can be like hell and maybe you won't find what you were looking at the end of that path, but if u survive that disappointment you will eventually find a path that will take you to something even better than what you were looking for, the key to success is not to give up, continue you journey no matter what, if you have survived you journey from your birth to this moment where you are reading this then continue your journey do leave your story at a stupid ending, COMPLETE IT! The story of your sadness one day won't be nothing more than an addition to the awesome story about your life. And believe in yourself , self-help is the best help you will get, if you want to be 'THE WINNER' don't depend too much on others when you fall, believe in yourself, help yourself and get up! BUT NO MATTER WHAT NEVER GIVE UP!
